The "Train Through Time" series is a five-book, time travel, science fiction-romance saga. Each of the five books in the series focuses on the story of a different, young woman who gets on a train in the 21st Century, but falls asleep and awakens in the very early years of the 20th Century, penniless and "scandalously" miss-dressed. Leggings, shorts, and yoga pants are not what ladies wore in Edwardian society. In each book, the heroine is rescued from her dilemma by a young man, but the two do not live happily ever after until overcoming some very large obstacles. Although Bess McBride makes little effort to explain the science of the fiction, her exceptional story telling talent overrides any such flaw. The time travel stories are intriguing with tons of mystery, paradox, drama, loss and period detail. You will want to read each book more than once.
A Train Through Time (Train Through Time Series Book One)
* Print Length: 200 pages
* Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
* Publisher: Bess McBride (December 14, 2013)
* Publication Date: December 14, 2013
* Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Together Forever Across Time (Train Through Time Series Book Two)
* Print Length: 174 pages
* Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
* Publisher: Bess McBride (December 22, 2013)
* Publication Date: December 22, 2013
* Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
A Smile In Time (Train Through Time Series Book Three)
* Print Length: 180 pages
* Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
* Publisher: Bess McBride (December 22, 2013)
* Publication Date: December 22, 2013
* Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Finding You in Time (Train Through Time Series Book Four)
* Print Length: 159 pages
* Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
* Publisher: Bess McBride (July 12, 2014)
* Publication Date: July 12, 2014
* Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
A Fall in Time (Train Through Time Series Book Five)
* Print Length: 193 pages
* Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
* Publisher: Bess McBride (November 29, 2014)
* Publication Date: November 29, 2014
* Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC