Never judge a book by its title. Sean Paul Thomas made me remember that adage after I finished his novel, "The Old Man and the Princess." The title just doesn't do justice to the story, which is very compelling.
Sersha, an Irish, street-smart, 15 year old orphan who has spent her life bouncing from one wretched foster home to the next in Galway, is kidnapped. Her kidnapper, Derek, is an old man, with more strength and ruthless tendencies than is expected at first glance. Slowly, he wins her over by insisting she is a princess from a distant planet that they are able to reach only by going through Scotland. He tells her she must come with him to take her throne and meet her real parents. Desperate for adventure and family, Sersha goes along.
Sean Paul Thomas is a talented writer. His clever plot exposes the reader to many different "truths," which means we are unable to put the book down until we learn which truth is actually true. Nothing about this novel was cliched or predictable, including the ending which had a definite O. Henry aura about it. Without question, Thomas has his own unique voice and style. Five stars, I really enjoyed this book.
* Print Length: 148 pages
* Publisher: Paul Thomas Publishing; 1 edition (September 30, 2016)
* Publication Date: September 30, 2016
* Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC