Sunday, October 9, 2016

Extraordinary Hearts: Reclaiming Gay Sensibility’s Central Role in the Progress of Civilization, by Nicholas F. Benton

Extraordinary hearts is an extraordinary scholarly work. Mr. Benton, a seminary graduate, a career journalist, and a newspaper owner and editor, was there when being gay was a dirty little secret, when no institution, college or religion would open its doors to the LGBT community. He has a unique insight into the lives of Oscar Wilde, Tennessee Williams,and Christpher Isherwood and others, therefore it is no coincidence that the book is dedicated to the first three. LGBT study is a relatively new area of scholarly endeavor, and the field needs new, groundbreaking books. Mr. Benton's book is one of those groundbreaking books. It is serious, scholarly, hard hitting, very personal, compassionate, and controversial. It won't be the last word in LGBT studies, but it will be a classic that will be studied for many decades to come. It sets a new standard for a proud LGBT identity as that community achieves its full equality.

Print Length: 344 pages
Publisher: Lethe Press (September 6, 2013)
Publication Date: September 6, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

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