In the first two books of this series, Detective Kate Redman came across as a tough, but flawed, police woman with a haunted past. In the third book of the series, Imago, Redman's weaker side is portrayed. She has protected herself against relationships, in the same manner that she has protected herself from her disfunctional, alcoholic mother, by blanketing herself in, and enjoying the solitude of, her charming, clean and organized home. Not withstanding her need for solitude, she finds herself attracted to someone. Unfortunately, this attraction is portrayed as the kind of crush a lovesick adolescent would experience. Celina Grace has done an excellent job of portraying the mind set of a clever, tough police woman in a male dominated profession and I love her Kate Redman books.. Despite the one glitch in her portrayal of Redman, these books are among the best in the genre. If you love a good mysteries, read this series!
Print Length: 227 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: November 8, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
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